GPSA Knowledge Platform – Upcoming E-Forum
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Engaging with Citizen Voices and Experiences: The 2017 World Development Report on Governance and the Law
With Stephen Commins, Carolina Cornejo,Lucia Nass, Joy Aceron and Janet Oropeza
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About the E-Forum
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This 3-week E-forum will be held on the GPSA Knowledge Platform and will consist of an online discussion where multiple stakeholders are expected to share their views, knowledge and experiences in the field of governance and the law, including ways in which different practitioners seek to promote governance reforms and strengthen the responsiveness of legal systems.
The World Development Report 2017 on Governance and the Law seeks to understand how governance interventions can be more effective in generating sustainable welfare improvements in the long term, and self-reinforcing dynamics of inclusion. Typically, policy discussions and technical advice consider issues such as coverage and quality of education, provision of health services, investment climate, etc. to explain development performance. However, interventions to improve these abovementioned factors can fail if the underlying determinants, which constrain sustainable progress, are not first addressed. This refers to the way in which institutions are shaped, legitimized and equipped to deliver on such goals. Our understanding of policy options to address these underlying determinants, which are crucial for countries to achieve key development outcomes like growth, equity, and security, is lacking. In this context, the Report seeks to unpack the complex interactions between state institutions, power, social norms, and development outcomes to (i) explain cross-country (and within-country) heterogeneity and (ii) investigate processes of institutional change. By understanding better these interactions and these underlying factors, governance reforms may yield better outcomes.
The WDR 2017 team will utilize e-forum participants’ contributions as follows: (a) to have a reality-check on the WDR’s framework and main concepts; and (b) to identify specific country/case experiences that can be used to illustrate content of the Report.
This e-forum is one means through which the WDR 2017 will engage with external stakeholders working on governance issues. Over three weeks (from October 19 to November 6), this e-forum will aim to:
· Identify daily experiences and challenges of citizens with governance and the law;
· Reflect on the various factors that influence the quality of governance and the law in specific situations;
· Share good practices of engagement between civil society organizations and governmental agencies and ways to promote reforms in governance.
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About the Facilitators
Stephen Commins is Associate Director, Global Public Affairs and Lecturer in Regional and International Development, at the Luskin School of Public Affairs, UCLA. He works with the WDR2017 team on external consultations and has written extensively on accountability and basic service delivery.
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Carolina Cornejo is Project Coordinator on Oversight Institutions at the Civil Association for Equality and Justice (ACIJ), a non-profit organization aimed at defending disadvantaged groups and strengthening democracy in Argentina.
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Lucia Nass is an independent consultant specialising in empowering local governance processes. She has gained over 25 years of experience in a variety of sectors, including agriculture, water and sanitation, rural energy, rural roads and pro-poor tourism. She is committed to gender mainstreaming.
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Janet Oropeza is the Knowledge Management Coordinator at Fundar, a civil society organization aiming to advance substantive democracy in Mexico. Janet has conducted research on governance, citizen participation, accountability, gender and human rights. Her areas of expertise also include knowledge exchange and online facilitation.
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Joy Aceron is Program Director at School of Government-Ateneo de Manila University directing Political Democracy and Reforms (PODER) and Government Watch (G-Watch). She has been involved in grassroots citizen monitoring of service delivery, procurement and program implementation of the government since 2004.
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In order to participate in the E-forum, you will need to be registered to the GPSA Knowledge Platform and logged in. Create your account here.
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Blog do Grupo de Pesquisa Politeia - Coprodução do Bem Público: Accountability e Gestão, da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Administração e Socioeconômicas - UDESC/ESAG.
terça-feira, 13 de outubro de 2015
"Governance and the Law" é tema de Fórum Virtual promovido pelo Banco Mundial para elaboração de seu Relatório 2017
A participação de pesquisadores brasileiros é importante para os debates, para compartilharmos nossas experiências e também conhecermos a perspectiva de vários outros países.
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